Iowa Defense Attorneys Represent People Accused Of All Varieties Of Prostitution Charges

Prostitution activities often involve at least two parties: a solicitor of sexual services and a provider of sexual services for pay. A third party, sometimes called a “john” or middleman, may also be involved. If you were charged with a crime in Iowa in any of these roles related to prostitution, contact an attorney immediately. The trial lawyers at Stowers & Nelsen have years of experience representing people accused of sex crimes and other criminal offenses.
Whether your case falls under the jurisdiction of a local, state or federal court, our law firm is well-prepared to defend you. With ample experience in trials and appeals, we are ready to hit the ground running in your defense after you have been charged with prostitution. Regardless of which part of the equation you allegedly filled, our goals will be the same:
- To determine whether your constitutional rights have been violated
- To prepare compelling defenses on your behalf to present to prosecutors and judges in state or federal court
- To seek to keep you out of jail or prison or get you out if you are in custody already
- To seek the most favorable attainable outcome for you, whether dismissal of charges, reduction of charges, acquittal, probation or reduced sentencing
- To work to prevent the creation of a criminal record in your name if that is possible
- To keep you from inclusion in a sex offender registry
- To protect your public image, if relevant
- To expose inconsistencies in allegations brought by police or prosecutors
We have ample experience achieving outstanding results through pretrial motions, in trials and in appellate courts. We welcome the opportunity to evaluate your prostitution charges and offer preliminary advice.
Des Moines Trial Lawyers On Your Side After A Prostitution Arrest
Allow us to explain how Stowers & Nelsen can help you confront difficult criminal charges, protecting your freedom and your future to the greatest extent possible. Contact us at 800-320-7288 or online if you need.