Des Moines Law Firm Representing Iowans Charged With Firearms Offenses

Experienced trial lawyers at Stowers & Nelsen advocate for people facing weapons charges such as:
- Felon in possession of a firearm
- Carrying concealed weapons
- Aggravated assault
- Carrying a weapon with a permit rendered invalid because of intoxication
Attorneys Dean Stowers and James Nelsen bring years of experience and depth of knowledge to the task of representing people accused of gun-related charges in Iowa. We accept cases to be handled in state and federal courts.
Many potential clients and new clients ask, “What will happen to my gun rights?” in light of a no-contact order, an OWI arrest and other problems with the law. We are well-prepared to answer those questions fully based on individual facts and circumstances.
Meanwhile, we are set to gather compelling evidence in our clients’ defense. We may detect evidence offered by law enforcement agents was gathered through illegal search and seizure. When evidence was obtained illegally, we can move to suppress that evidence. Favorable case outcomes often come about through this and other effective defense strategies.
Get Detailed Advice On Your Gun Rights And Your Constitutional Rights From Experienced Trial Lawyers
Have you been charged with gun crimes in Iowa through a state- or federal-level law enforcement agency? Regardless of the particulars of the accusations against you alleging firearms offenses in Iowa, Stowers & Nelsen brings a wealth of experience and skills to the table. We invite potential clients to take advantage of a confidential initial consultation. Learn about your gun rights and your right to constitutional protections against illegal search and seizure. Call our Des Moines metro area law offices at 800-320-7288 or send an email for a prompt response.