OWI Consequences

Consequences of an OWI include criminal penalties and driver’s license consequences. Many of the driver’s license consequences are imposed even if you are acquitted criminally. Additionally, the consequences are can vary depending on whether you “blew” or refused, how far above a .08 you were, whether an accident was involved and how many prior OWI’s you have had.
Here are SOME but not all of the potential consequences associated with a criminal conviction.
FIRST OFFENSE OWI – Serious Misdemeanor
- Potential Jail – 2 days (Up to 1 Year)
- Minimum Fine – $1,250 + 35% Surcharge + Court Costs
- Test Failure (>.08) – 6 Month DL Suspension
- Test Refusal – 1 Year DL Suspension
- Potential 2 Years Probation
- Ignition Interlock Required
- Drinking Driver’s Course
SECOND OFFENSE OWI – Aggravated Misdemeanor
- Mandatory Jail – 7 days (Up to 2 Years
- Minimum Fine – $1,850 + 35% Surcharge + Court Costs
- Test Failure (>.08) – 1 Year DL Suspension
- Test Refusal – 2 Year DL Suspension
- Potential 2 Years Probation
- Ignition Interlock Required
- Drinking Driver’s Course
- Mandatory Jail – 30 days (Up to 5 Years)
- Minimum Fine – $3,125 + 35% Surcharge + Court Costs
- Test Failure (>.08) – 6 Year DL Suspension
- Test Refusal – 2 Year DL Suspension
- Drinking Driver’s Course
- Potential 5 Years Probation
Here are SOME but not all of the consequences imposed by the Iowa Department of Transportation independent of any criminal proceedings:
- Test Failure (>.08) – 6 Month DL Suspension
- Test Refusal – 1 Year DL Suspension
- Test >.15 or an accident – 30 Day Ineligibility for Temporary Restricted License
- Test .10 or more or accident – Ignition Interlock Requried
- CDL – 1 Year CDL Suspension
- Drinking Driver’s Course
- SR-22 Insurance
- $200 License Reinstatement Fee
- Test Failure (>.08) – 1 Year DL Suspension, 45 Day Ineligibility for Temporary Restricted License
- Test Refusal – 2 Year DL Suspension, 90 Day Ineligibility for Temporary Restricted License
- Ignition Interlock Required
- CDL – Lifetime CDL Suspension
- Drinking Driver’s Course
- SR-22 Insurance
- $200 License Reinstatement Fee