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Get Off The Iowa Sex Offender Registry

On Behalf of | Jan 20, 2020 | Firm News

Is it possible to get off the sex offender registry in Iowa? If so, how can you get off the sex offender registry?

Actually, you can get off the Iowa sex offender registry ( The process is cumbersome and having a lawyer who is skilled in the area, like Stowers & Nelsen ( is very important. At Stowers & Nelsen (, we realize that the sex offender registry serves a purpose. We believe however, like the Iowa legislature, that every person should have the opportunity to be considered for removal from the registry after a certain period of time has passed and under certain conditions.

How To Get OFF The Iowa Sex Offender Registry

Iowa Code Section 692A.128 ( permits a registrant to request a modification, including removal, of his/her sex offender registry conditions. To be considered for modification or removal from the registry, a person must satisfy the following requirements:

1) 2 years must have passed since placement for Tier 1 registrants and 5 years must have passed since placement for Tier 2 & 3 registrants

2) The registrant must have successfully completed all required treatment programs

3) A validated (by the D.O.C.) risk assessment must have been completed indicating a low risk at reoffending

4) The registrant cannot be incarcerated

5) The director of the district department of corrections must stipulate to the modification if the registrant is under supervision

6) If the registrant is not under supervision the district department of corrections must agree to perform the risk assessment.

If all of these preconditions are satisfied a registrant can file an application with the District Court either in the registrant’s county of residence or in the county of conviction to modify the terms of registration, up to and including removal from the registry. The modification or removal decision is discretionary with the Court. It is not enough that the registrant simply meets all of the preconditions for removal. The registrant must still convince a judge that removal is warranted.

Stowers & Nelsen, PLC Can Help!

A skilled lawyer in this area is particularly helpful. At Stowers & Nelsen, PLC ( we handle modification and removal cases. Although the sex offender registry serves an important purpose, many people remain on the registry for crimes which were never sexually deviant nor dangerous. Some also remain on the registry even after successfully completing treatment and long returning to a normal life.

If you or a loved one want to be removed from the Iowa sex offender registry call us now! We can help. (515) 224-7446 (